Land and houses ads can be found plastered beside concrete cutting and drilling and drainage dredging ads. Banners hung on streets Many real estate companies have to close or reduce their operations. Real estate is no longer attracting investors either, with sellers outstripping buyers. Beside classified ads on forums, websites, and online adverts, many companies choose to offer their services via advertising on pavements and public sites to reduce costs and access potential customers. While these adverts can be found littering public places, there is little evidence about the effectiveness of this form of advertising. Trang, a woman living in Hoang Cau Street, Hanoi, angrily complained that her house's surrounding walls were plastered with all kinds of ads, including houses for sale, renting house, and signs seeking roommates, She had torn down all the paper leaflets, but a few days later her walls would be covered again. Some companies even spray painted their ads. Cuong, living in Hanoi's Thanh Xuan Bac Ward had just repainted his house's surrounding walls to prepare for his son's wedding, but the following day, he was shocked to see it covered in advertising. Quang, director of a real estate agency, admitted that housing adverts on streets has diminished house trading. But with only VND5 million (USD238.7), he could print huge amounts of leaflets and hire people go around Hanoi to stick them on walls. Advertising in newspapers would cost him VND20 million (USD955.1) per page per periodical. Advertising with an online newspapers would cost VND3-5 million (USD143.2-238.7) per time. Advertising on TV costs billions of VND. Due to the downturn in the economy and slumps in the sector, real estate agencies have to find the most economical ad methods. In Quang's opinion, mini apartments and cheap private houses worth around VND1 billion (USD47,755) is ideal for this method. But luxury villas, lands in up-market projects, and expensive apartments would devalue their products employing this form of marketing. However, head of PR department of a housing project in My Dinh urban area said they still have to use banners and street posters as their most effective way to approach potential common customers. Some housing investors have found out more polite ways to drum up interest, such as advertising in supermarkets and hotels. However, this kind of advertisement hasn't yet to be licensed by authorities. When reporters asked for their advertising license, the PR department said they had a communication company to do the paperwork for them. Vietnam tours
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